Reason: Understand how well our website performs or user experience.
Explanation: Similar to assessing a car’s performance or user experience by checking its engine and tires, examining page scores and key parameters is like evaluating the vital components of our website. It’s not just about technical details but about ensuring everything runs smoothly. These metrics serve as indicators, guiding us to fine-tune our website for optimal performance.
Reason: Learn which pages need a little extra attention.
Click on the “Add new segment” button from the dashboard.
Under acquisition you will find all channels:
Step 3: Select the channels you want to add.
4. Feel the Heat: Implement Heatmaps and Scroll Tracking
Step 2: Navigate to “Tag Manager”
If you are using Matomo Tag Manager, navigate to it from your Matomo dashboard.
Step 3: Create a New Tag
Step 4: set parameters.
Set event type as ‘event’.
Event category as ‘Pagescrolling’
Then choose the event action and event name.
Then save and publish.
– Why? Tailor our content strategy to what users are interested in.
– How? Track user experience interactions with specific content elements on our landing pages.
Explanation: Our content is the story we tell. Content Tracking helps us understand which parts of our story resonate most with visitors. It’s like knowing which chapters in a book are the most captivating. This insight guides us in creating more content that our audience loves and finds valuable.
Content Tracking in Matomo
To start tracking impressions and interactions, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Initialize the Tracker:
In your Matomo tracking code file, add the following lines to initialize the tracker:
Step 2: Add Attributes for Content Tracking:
To specifically track the desired pieces of content, you need to include certain attributes in the HTML code of those elements. The essential attributes for content tracking are:
data-content-target: Specifies the target URL of the content.
data-track-content: Indicates that this element should be tracked.
data-content-name: Assigns a name or label to the content.
data-content-piece: Identifies the specific piece of content.
Step 3: Analyze Results in Matomo Dashboard:
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