We use Matomo most effectively by expertly availing its data import and export features. This guide will move you step by step for thoroughly importing and exporting data in Matomo. Whether you are integrating data from various sources, creating data backups, or generating detailed reports, you’ll be able to master these functions and manage your data significantly. Let’s delve deeper for understanding Matomo’s data import and export features with MatomoExpert guide.
The requirements for understanding data import and export are based on the familiarity with Matomo’s interface. Before taking initial step, please have a basic grasp of common data formats that include the following top formats:
To follow this guide, you’ll need access to a Matomo installation and the right permissions to execute data import and export operations. Let’s get started!
By importing data into Matomo, you can gather data from multiple sources and gain a complete overview of your analytics. To keep the records of historical data and for combining data from various systems, additionally, you’ll have to import data in Matomo.
1. The data that you want to import should be meeting Matomo’s structure requirements.
2. Remove duplicates, fix errors, and ensure consistency to maintain data quality.
Specifically, if you want to import data from Google Analytics. Log into Matomo as a super user and reach the Google Analytics Import section in Matomo. You’ll have to select the Quick connect option for importing your data. After that, simply click on Connect with Google Analytics button for your desired data import. Finally, click on the “Import properties” button and your data importing will start here. Similarly are the other methods for data import in Matomo.
By utilizing Matomo log analytics tool, we can import various server logs files in Matomo for powerful log analytics. We can universally parse and report these log files that enables analyzing website performance and user behavior. See here a quick simple method you can follow for importing Matomo Log Analytics:
We can use import_logs.py script with parameters like ‘ –url’ for defined Matomo URL and ‘–token-auth’ for API token authentication. In addition, we can customize the script to track all requests for comprehensive data analysis.
However, for log formats, you can use the –iis-time-taken-secs option to accurately interpret the time-taken fields. We can specify the –log-format-name option for importing log files without any issue.
Through sending HTTP requests with the right parameters we can import data to Matomo with HTTP tracking API. The tracking API helps tracking multiple user interactions like Visits, page views, events and more. Both GET and POST requests are applicable for data submission and we can use varied client libraries (PHP, Java, C#, etc.)
var MATOMO_URL = ‘https://example.com/matomo/’;
var IDSITE = 1;
// Function to track a page view
function trackPageView(pageName) {
var url = MATOMO_URL + ‘matomo.php?idsite=’ + IDSITE + ‘&rec=1&action_name=’ + encodeURIComponent(pageName);
// Function to track an event
function trackEvent(category, action, name, value) {
var url = MATOMO_URL + ‘matomo.php?idsite=’ + IDSITE + ‘&rec=1’;
url += ‘&e_c=’ + encodeURIComponent(category);
url += ‘&e_a=’ + encodeURIComponent(action);
url += ‘&e_n=’ + encodeURIComponent(name);
url += ‘&e_v=’ + encodeURIComponent(value);
// Function to send the tracking request
function sendTrackingRequest(url) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = url;
// Example usage
trackPageView(‘Home Page’);
trackEvent(‘Videos’, ‘Play’, ‘Introduction Video’, 60);
Here are simple steps you can follow for importing your GA4 data in Matomo:
1. For getting started, quickly, sign in your Google Analytics account.
2. Select property for exporting your required data.
3. Navigate to the Data Streams option and choose the GA4 property.
4. Your exported data should comply with Matomo’s data format requirements.
5. Now, log in to your Matomo dashboard and navigate to the import section.
6. You’ll have to map all of your data fields that are matching to Matomo.
7. Finally, check your data reports by selecting GA4 from Matomo Dashboard.
For our data export needs in Matomo, particularly for reporting, analysis, and backup purposes, we need to take specific actions. We can share insights with stakeholders and merge our analytics data with data export features.
It is quite an easy way to export your Matomo data. Furthermore, with Matomo’s data export feature we can analyze our analytics data in varied formats in an efficient way. For exporting data:
When you’re done with your data export, organize and store your data securely. You can then create detailed visualizations and reports. For secure data export, it is recommended to export only necessary data. Use encrypted email attachments for security and your exported data should be in compliance with GDPR regulations.
This is a brief guide for you that will help you understand How to use Matomo’s data import and export features; moreover, this can enhance your analytics powers and business intelligence.
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